Friday, 8 March 2013

Bluetooth Driver Installer

Bluetooth Driver Installer
Get Bluetooth to work with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack.
This small freeware utility will try to install generic Microsoft driver for your bluetooth adapter. The program is based on a widely known method of patching %WinDir%\inf\bth.inf file.
It works for most (but not all) bluetooth adapters, both USB dongles and built-in.
Prendi Bluetooth per lavorare con lo stack Bluetooth Microsoft.
A proposito di:
Questa piccola utility freeware aiuta ad installare il driver generico di Microsoft per la scheda bluetooth. Il programma si basa su un metodo noto di patching% windir% \ inf \ Bth.inf.
Funziona per la maggior parte (ma non tutti) gli adattatori bluetooth, sia dongle USB e built-in.

Periferiche supportate
Supported devices: Bluetooth Hardware

Site and Download: Bluetooth Driver Installer

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